Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Internal Assessment: Writing Your Introduction

An example / template of a first-draft introduction: Craik and Tulving, 1975
HL Introduction

At any given time, humans are overwhelmed with information: sensory information (such as smells, sights and sounds), information from fellow humans, or input from mass media. While we have grown accustomed to subconsciously filtering and interpreting the constant input of information, some pieces of information are remembered better than others. What determines the ability to remember those pieces of information? It could be the importance of the information, relative to the person, or perhaps the degree of depth in which the information is processed. The discipline that studies how individuals process and remember information is within cognitive psychology: the study of the mental processes of people.

Craik & Tulving (1975) attempted to understand how some information is recalled with more ease than others. The study primary came into being in an attempt to falsify the Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory (1967), and support Craik & Lockhart's levels-of-processing model (1972). The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory proposes that human memory follows a sequence of three stages: sensory memory to short-term memory to long-term memory. Craik and Tulving thus attempted theorize that memory retention was greatly affected by the depth of processing performed by the individual, rather than chronology. The aim of their 1975 study was to test different levels of processing in subjects to investigate whether depth of processing was involved in memory retention.

In the experiment, the information was presented to the subjects in the form of simple two-syllable nouns; before being shown the words, subjects were asked questions that would require a certain type of processing. The three different levels of processing that the subjects would use were: phonemic or structural ( - a shallow level of processing), and semantic processing ( - a deep level of processing). The phonemic level of processing would be used by subjects when the given question was related to the way a word sounds, structural levels of processing would be used when given questions concerned the physical appearance of the word, and semantic levels of processing would be used when questions inquired on the context the word could be used in. Craik and Tulving hypothesized that words processed via deeper levels (i.e. semantic processing) would take longer to answer but yield a more elaborate memory trace and higher recall performance.

For this study, the aim is to see if information is more easily retained when it is processed through "deeper processing" or "shallow processing". Use of the same levels of processing as Craik and Tulving will be utilized to test the memory-retention in subjects.


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